Caffè Greco
The best coffee in town. Try it!

Delicious Coffee
We only serve the best and tastiest coffees from all around the world. At our place you will find the strongest Espresso's, most refreshing Americano's or sweetest Cappuccino's to start off your morning or give you energy during the day

Great Food
Come see us to enjoy some of the best food in town: from freshly baked croissant to delicious sandwiches and toasts, in our bar you will find please for your tastes and happiness for your belly - guaranteed!

Friendship & Happiness
We are always happy to see you, and we know you feel at home when you enter the door of our bar. Friendship is what ties all of us together and being part of the "Caffè Greco" family means always finding a smile and somebody to talk to, whenever you need it.